Actions To Take If You Fell On Public Bus

Do not overlook the need for these actions, even if you happen to fall on a public bus while heading home, after a trip to a neurologist’s office, and you have plans to visit the same office the next day.

Potential dangers on public bus

• Confined space: That increases the chances for a tripping incident.
• On a rainy day, there could well be wet floor on that long vehicle.
• Doors that do not function properly: That could make it hard for those boarding or leaving the vehicle to maneuver on the stairs.
• Loose handrails: Someone might grab a handrail, in an effort to remain upright. A loose handrail would diminish chances for success, during an effort to carry out such a grabbing action.
• Metal surface on floor: The person that was falling would not benefit from a soft landing.

Actions to take, after experiencing fall

Personal injury lawyer in Grimsby would advise that you need to seek a medical evaluation, so that you can establish a record of medical treatment. Additionally, it is good to gather evidence and if possible, take pictures.

Get the number of the bus, along with the route number. Note the time of day, and the spot on the route that marked the site of the on-board, falling incident. Find out if the bus driver has any card or paper for you to complete.

Speak with a personal injury attorney. Learn the deadline for filing a personal injury complaint. Purchase a calendar and mark the date of the deadline on your calendar. Be sure to place the calendar at a spot where you will see it on a daily basis. Do not delay with filing a claim, or with sending a notice to the appropriate department.

If you have experienced any pain, start a pain journal; also take that action if you happen to develop pain in an area that had seemed ok in the past.

—Record the intensity of each painful sensation. Use a rating scale similar to the one used in hospitals. A mild sensation would get rating of 1; a sensation that caused extreme discomfort would be rated as a 9 or a 10.
—Describe the painful sensation: Would you liken it to the sensation produced by a burn, a knife cut, a pounding, or some other objectionable experience?
—Indicate the time and duration of any pains
—State what you were doing before the pain started.

Share the facts in your journal with your attorney and with the treating physician.

Follow the same physician’s instructions until you have arrived at the point of maximum medical improvement (MMI).

Do not share facts about the incident with friends or co-workers.

Do not post on social media network any pictures of your activities, during the time that you are undergoing a recovery.