If I Am Partly At Fault In A Dog Bite Case, What Will Happen?

If you’re a victim of dog-bite law, you may be wondering what happens if both parties are partly at fault for the accident. The answer depends on where you live and whether or not your state has a “modified comparative negligence” rule or a “pure contributory negligence” rule for determining liability for dog attacks.

Dog-bite victims who contributed to the accident may not be able to sue.

If you were partly at fault in the accident, you may not be able to sue. However, if your negligence caused the injury and it was proven that your dog was more at fault than yours was, then there’s still a chance for recovery.

Every state has different rules for determining liability for dog attacks.

Injury lawyer in Grimsby knows that every state has different rules for determining liability for dog attacks. Some states follow “pure contributory negligence” while other states use a modified comparative negligence rule that requires weighing each party’s degree of fault in separate steps.

Some states follow “pure contributory negligence.”

If you were partly at fault, your state’s laws will apply. That is, if you were 50% responsible for the accident and the other driver was 25%, then the amount of your damages would be reduced by 25%. In this case, you might only have to pay half as much in damages.

Other states follow a “modified comparative negligence” rule

A plaintiff must prove that the dog owner was more at fault than the plaintiff by a preponderance of the evidence. This means that if there is any doubt about who had caused injury to another person or animal—even if it’s just one person’s opinion—the court will not award damages in favor of one party over another based on their relative degrees of fault.

Thus far we’ve talked about several types of cases involving dog attacks: those where there was no provocation; those where there was provocation but no intent; and those where there was both provocation and intent (the most common kind). But what happens if you’re bitten by someone else’s pet?

There are different types of laws that could play into how much compensation you receive after filing a lawsuit:

Statutes: These are actually laws passed by legislatures (the state legislature or Federal). They can change over time and affect how people who live within their jurisdiction should be treated when they get bitten by an animal—and this can include what kind of compensation they’re entitled to receive when they suffer injury at the hands of others’ pets!

Regulations: These are rules created by government officials who oversee various branches within their particular jurisdictions; though these regulations don’t have any real power behind them unless someone else enforces them through litigation proceedings like those being discussed here today!


If you have been bitten by a dog, it is important that you understand the laws of your state to determine whether or not you can pursue legal action. Dog bite victims who contributed to their injuries may be able to sue for damages, but only if there was some negligence on their part as well. If both parties are partly at fault for the attack, then neither party can claim compensation for the injury.